
Create a virtual environment and install pyx2cscope using the following commands (Windows):

python -m venv .venv
pip install pyx2cscope

It is highly recommended to install python libraries underneath a virtual environment.

Nevertheless, to install at system level, we advise to install it on user area. (Global insallation may not work.) Execute the following lines:

pip install --user pyx2cscope
pip install --upgrade pyx2cscope

In case of unexpected issues executing pyx2cscope try to reinstall manually:

pip uninstall pyx2cscope
pip cache purge
pip install --user pyx2cscope

After install you may check the current pyx2cscope version, in a terminal, run the following command:

pyx2cscope --version

For help or additional command line options, type:

pyx2cscope --help

The log level used by pyX2Cscope is ERROR by default, possible values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL. To set a different log level start pyX2Cscope with argument -l or –log-level

pyx2cscope --log-level DEBUG