Recommended to use the new python package for scripting:

The MPLAB X plugin is not updated anymore.


Scope Control Interface variable preinitialised as: public interface IScopeManager

void setChannelConfig(int channel, String identifier, double gain, double offset) throws Exception

Sets up channel configuration.

  • Parameters:
    • channel — Channel number
    • identifier — Symbol identifier
    • gain — Gain
    • offset — Offset
  • Exceptions: Exception — if invalid channel number
    if invalid identifier


x2c_scope.setChannelConfig(7, "myStruct.sinus", 1, 0) # Set channel 7 to monitor the sinus variable

void setTrigger(int srcChannel, double level, String edge, int delay) throws Exception

Sets up and enables trigger configuration by channel number.

  • Parameters:
    • srcChannel — Trigger source: channel number
    • level — Trigger level
    • edge — Trigger edge (RISING or FALLING)
    • delay — Delay
  • Exceptions: Exception — if invalid source channel number
    if selected source channel is not configured
    if invalid trigger edge value
    if delay is out of bounds


x2c_scope.setChannelConfig(7, "myStruct.sinus", 1, 0) # Set channel 7 to monitor the sinus variable
x2c_scope.setTrigger(7, -0.7, "RISING", 0)# Set trigger to channel 7

void setTrigger(String identifier, double level, String edge, int delay) throws Exception

Sets up and enables trigger configuration by symbol identifier.

  • Parameters:
    • identifier — Trigger source: Symbol identifier
    • level — Trigger level
    • edge — Trigger edge (RISING or FALLING)
    • delay — Delay
  • Exceptions: Exception — if invalid identfier
    invalid trigger edge value
    if delay is out of bounds


x2c_scope.setChannelConfig(7, "myStruct.sinus", 1, 0) # Set channel 7 to monitor the sinus variable
x2c_scope.setTrigger(7, -0.7, "RISING", 0)# Set trigger to channel 7

void clearTrigger()

Clears and disables trigger configuration.



void clearChannelConfig(int channelNo) throws Exception

Clears channel configuration.

  • Parameters: channelNo — Channel number
  • Exceptions: Exception — Invalid channel number

void clearChannelConfigs()

Clears all channel configurations.


x2c_scope.clearChannelConfigs() # clear all channel

void setSampleTimeFactor(int factor) throws Exception

Sets sample time factor.

  • Parameters: factor — Sample time factor
  • Exceptions: Exception — Invalid value (less than 1)


x2c_scope.setSampleTimeFactor(1) # sample time "divider" increases the sampling time

void sample(boolean waitForCompletion) throws Exception

Starts sample in blocking or non-blocking kind.

  • Parameters: waitForCompletion — true to block until sample completion, false for non-blocking mode
  • Exceptions: Exception — if a communication problem occurs


x2c_scope.setChannelConfig(2, "myStruct.rad", 1, 0) #setup channel
x2c_scope.sample(False) #false-> non blocking

boolean isSampleComplete() throws Exception

Returns Scope sampling state. Usually being used with {@link #sample(boolean)} in non-blocking mode.

  • Returns: true if sampling has completed, false if it’s yet in progress
  • Exceptions: Exception — if a communication problem occurs


x2c_scope.sample(False) #false-> non blocking
print "Wait for scope sample finish"
while not x2c_scope.isSampleComplete():

void uploadData() throws Exception

Uploads sampled data from target.

  • Exceptions: Exception — if a communication problem occurs

    if a sample is in progress


x2c_scope.uploadData() #Upload the data from the hardware
data = x2c_scope.getData() #get the uploaded data

double[][] getData()

Returns sampled data. Must be preceded by an uploadData() call for up-to-date data.

  • Returns: Sampled data


x2c_scope.uploadData() #Upload the data from the hardware
data = x2c_scope.getData() #get the uploaded data

void setSampleTime(double ts)

Sets Scope sample time. Used for time vector calculation.

  • Parameters: ts — Sample time


#set sample time to 50us
#Should be same as X2Cscope_Update call period